Rise and Resist Emergency Response Team
What It is:
The Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a group of seven individuals elected by the members of Rise and Resist and empowered to make decisions about actions on behalf of Rise and Resist when an urgent need arises between weekly meetings. The ERT does not make decisions that can wait to be brought to the floor at a regular Tuesday meeting and it does not make decisions involving financial support beyond what is routinely provided to approved actions. A decision to approve an action must receive the support of at least five of the seven members of the ERT.
What we can make decisions about:
Like the Rise and Resist (RaR) floor, the ERT can decide to provide one of two levels of support to an action. ERT can decide:
To sponsor an action. In this case, the ERT approves an action initiated by a group of RaR members to be planned and conducted either by RaR alone or by those members in partnership with another organization. Sponsorship entitles the action to seek the full range of RaR resources, including communications, marshals, props, and finances.
To endorse an action. In this case, RaR allows an outside group planning an action to list RaR among the organizations endorsing the action and we commit to publicizing the action, but we do not commit RaR resources to the action.
How to make a request to the ERT:
Please provide the following information using this easy to use FORM or send an email addressed to ERT@riseandresist.org and answer the following questions:
Date, time, and place of the proposed action
Purpose and target of the proposed action (explain what you hope to achieve and provide any background information we might need to understand the action)
Nature of the proposed action (including whether or not you will engage in civil disobedience, have speakers, get a permit, march along a set route, hand out leaflets, etc.)
Organizers of the proposed action (identify the RaR group or individuals initiating the action and/or list all organizations potentially involved)
Level of support (sponsorship or endorsement) that you seek from RaR
What potential support you have obtained from Comms, Props, Marshals, etc. (this information is critically important in helping the ERT to make a decision to sponsor)
Link to Facebook event page or other announcements if the event is already planned and you are seeking endorsement
Time by which you need a decision from the ERT
Contact person for follow-up questions from the ERT
What happens after you have made a request:
The ERT will communicate its decision to you. If the ERT votes in favor of your request, it will also inform the relevant RaR committees of our decision. However, please note that if Rise and Resist will be sponsoring your action, YOU must then follow up with Comms, Props, Marshals, Finances, etc., to secure the specific support that you need from them. The ERT will not make those arrangements for you. If RaR will be endorsing your action, our Communications group will publicize your event using the information you have already provided.
Current Members:
Isha, Claire, Ivy, Andy, John, Wrolf, Alex L.
A PDF version of this document - Here