Welcoming Committee
We are the WElcoming Committee!
The Welcome Committee organizes introductions for new members to Working groups and Action Groups. If you’re a newcomer and have question about how to get involved with RAR, this is the group to reach out to!
The Welcome Committee is always looking for volunteers to act as Greeters during the Tuesday night meetings. If you are at all interested in welcoming newcomers, please email us.
CONTACT - welcome.rar@gmail.com
Rise and Resist (RAR) began as a small group of passionate individuals who were astounded by the results of the 2016 presidential election and searching for ways to effect positive changes. Since then the group has developed into an agile community dedicated to direct action. We aim to oust the Trump administration, fight for equality, and collaborate on a wide variety of social justice issues.
Rise and Resist is comprised of both seasoned activists and people who are new to activism. Everyone's input is important and valued. You're encouraged to contribute to the conversation, propose your own actions, and join one of our Working Groups or Action Groups. All ideas and comments from new members are appreciated and we will do our best to help ensure your voice is heard.
We meet every Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at The Church of the Village, 201 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011
Working Groups support Rise and Resist actions and take care of the ongoing needs of the larger community. If you're interested in joining a group, please email the relevant contact. Most Working Groups meet regularly and provide updates during the Tuesday Rise and Resist community meetings.
Action Groups are different from Working Groups. Action Groups form as the Rise and Resist community approves and plans new actions such as marches, protests, rallies, civil disobedience, and street theater. For more information about a particular action, you're encouraged to follow-up with the action planner(s).