We are a coalition of concerned New Yorkers and activists moving to push wheelchair accessibility in the subways to the top of the MTA agenda. Accessibility is not a dismissible issue. It Is not a luxury or convenience. It is a necessity and a civil right.
We have two Google Group mailing lists, one
for annoucements and one to get involved in planning our actions.
Click "Apply for membership" after following the link (you must be logged in to Gmail)
Through actions at subway stations, attending MTA meetings, petitioning community boards, writing letters, attending court hearings and working with other organizations, we are determined to make New York City’s transportation system more accessible.
2024 Update:
We have joined an amicus brief in two cases brought in support of the congestion pricing program filed against Gov. Hochul.
Disabled New Yorkers and the MTA finally turned the page on decades of discrimination and exclusion by agreeing to a landmark settlement to make most of the 70% of inaccessible stations accessible by 2055. The 33-year timeline was already too long, but without congestion pricing tolls, $2 Billion meant to go to accessibility upgrades is effectively being slashed from the current capital plan, and is already creating uncertainty for future capital plans. Governor Hochul’s unilateral decision to change duly passed law that she herself championed is reckless, potentially illegal, and betrays the trust of the hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who just want to ride the subway like everyone else, and others who rely on surface transportation and stand to benefit from reduced congestion.
The elevator maintenance case is headed to trial after Judge Daniels ruled against the MTA:
“On Friday August 30, a federal judge in the Southern District of New York denied a motion from the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“MTA”) for summary judgment to dismiss claims brought by the disability community in long-running litigation regarding the MTA’s failure to maintain the few elevators that exist in New York City’s subway stations. The case is now headed to trial.”
EAG is involved in a lawsuit filed in 2022 against the MTA for violating NYC’s Human Rights Law by failing to fix the dangerous gaps between platforms and subway cars, which can prove particularly hazardous for seniors and riders with disabilities.
We continue to rally in front of MTA Headquarters every month, speak at MTA committee and board meetings, and coalition with our fellow advocates on a wide range of accessibility and transit issues. We met with the Office of the MTA Inspector General who “monitors the activities of the MTA in order to ensure a safe, reliable, clean and affordable public transportation system,” and got them to add the word “accessible” to their mission statement.
We held rallies every month at MTA Headquarters demanding they settle the elevator maintenance case. This lawsuit was filed in 2017 asserting that the MTA must maintain the few elevators that exist in a system that is barely 1/3 accessible. The MTA must give riders accurate information about service outages and train employees to deal with both the outages themselves and the riders who are affected by them. A broken elevator is a useless elevator.
Rise and Resist’s Elevator Action Group along with our coalition partners held 16 consecutive months of rallies in front of MTA headquarters in NYC, and 7+ years of legal hearings with no resolution.
Watch a video showing our monthly rallies.
In June 2022, we had a tremendous victory! Yielding to community and legal pressure, MTA agreed to a legally enforceable timeline for stair-free access at every subway station. This includes guarantees they long claimed were impossible, like construction timelines and budget percentages for accessibility.
At a minimum, half the system will get stair-free access by 2035, with the remainder by 2055. Currently, only one-quarter of stations are accessible, and there has never been an enforceable deadline for full stair-free access.
The Elevator Action Group started in 2017 to demand PWD subway access, after a NY Times article and class-action lawsuit from PWD plaintiffs represented by DRA brought attention to the issue.
DRA and plaintiffs fought (and won) many legal battles with MTA lawyers, including the denial of MTA's motion to dismiss in 2019, later upheld on appeal in 2020.
Over those 5 years, EAG members became critical, outside-the-courtroom allies, rallying at hearings, speaking at MTA board meetings and raising community awareness to force MTA action (timeline of E4E's advocacy work).
With the 2022 settlement as leverage, we will continue pressing the MTA - and Governor Hochul, who controls them - to start delivering on that promise. And other critical issues remain – like dealing with horrendous subway elevator maintenance record, the subject of an ongoing federal suit. Once you build them, they've gotta work!
EAG’s campaign, Elevators are for Everyone, demands MTA reform.
The MTA must address their failure to comply with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990) as well as the simple economic imperative that people with disabilities are taxpayers. Wheelchair users are taxpayers. New Yorkers over 65 are taxpayers. Parents and caregivers who need to maneuver the subway are taxpayers. Delivery people are taxpayers. All these people ride the subway and need access to working elevators.
While the MTA currently counts 118 stations of 472 as accessible, many are part of transfer stations that are counted multiple times. Five stations are accessible in only one direction, and five stations are in Staten Island. However, the 21 stations in Staten Island are not included in the overall total. When taking these factors into consideration, and in order to make a fair comparison to other systems in the US, the true number of accessible subway and rail stations in all five boroughs is just 90 out of 445, or 20.2%, with plans in place for 11 more stations in the next few years. See this link for a full analysis.
By excluding people with disabilities from the subways, Governor Hochul and the MTA are complicit in rejecting our civil rights, forcing us to fend for ourselves or rely on inferior transportation options. New York City is dead last in the country by the percentage of accessible subway stations.. Given the success of other old American cities in improving access to their subways, excuses like cost and age of stations are not valid.
New York City is currently experiencing a breakdown of the subway due to years of neglect, and prioritizing vanity projects over basic system maintenance. New Yorkers are experiencing delays like never before, without realizing that this has been the daily reality of wheelchair users for decades. As the MTA and the State of New York grapple with bringing overall service back to the system, it is imperative that elevators are part of their long-term plans and part of ALL station renovations and enhancements in the future. Not doing so is a major liability for all New Yorkers and jeopardizes our city's future.
AARRG! (the Access-A-Ride Reform Group)
BCID (Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled)
CIDNY (Center for Independence of the Disabled, NY)
The lead plaintiff in Center for Independence of the Disabled New York (CIDNY), et al. v. New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA), et al. (S.D.N.Y.) and part of AARRG. Also see their subway disabilities map - Here!
Disability Rights Advocates (DRA)
Legal counsel for dual class action lawsuits challenging the New York City subway system’s illegal discrimination against wheelchair users and others Case Files and (In)Accessibility Map
Report: Access Denied , TransitCenter Goes to the Panorama
UP-STAND, making life more accessible for pregnant women and families.
past actions
Mar. 4, 2022: Riders Alliance Rally for Accessibility at Rego Park Station in Queens.
Jan. 27, 2022: Riders Alliance rally outside Governor Hochul’s office to launch their #RidersAgenda and demand that the needs of riders are prioritized in the state budget - including accessibility.
Dec. 15, 2021: Rally for Accessibility prior to MTA Board Meeting. https://www.facebook.com/events/912520302968243/
Dec. 1, 2021: Meeting with Nivardo Lopez, Deputy Secretary of Transportation for Governor Hochul, to discuss ADA accessibility at the MTA.
Nov. 22, 2021: Rally and press conference with Sen. Schumer - “Broadway Junction, one of Brooklyn’s busiest subway stations and most crucial transfer points, is finally set to become accessible for people with disabilities with the construction of seven new elevators, Senator Chuck Schumer announced.”
Oct. 13, 2021: Save our Elevators with Sen. Gounardes at 18th Ave. Station in Brooklyn
August 24, 2021 Unanimous Federal Appellate Decision Vindicates Rights of Subway Riders With Disabilities - Elevator maintenance case
This overturned a “win” for them on the elevator maintenance half of our case, from Judge Daniels’ March, 2020 written decision granting the MTA summary judgment.
The case is now returned to SDNY district court.
June 9, 2021 The Biggest Obstacle, which discusses lawsuits and documents the actions of the Elevator Action Group, premieres at the NYC Independent Film Festival.
June 7, 2021: Riders Alliance rally for federal investment in accessible transit. “Together, in front of Hostos Community College, we will announce a sustained push for federal funding of public transit accessibility and reliability as part of the President's American Jobs Plan.”
Jan. 28, 2021: Victor Dias Rodriguez’s film All Riders is released."An inclusive society elevates the living standards for us all. #AllRidersDoc sheds light on a side of New York you may not know.
Dec. 10, 2020: Rise and Resist Elevator Action Group spearheaded a letter from disability rights advocacy groups to the incoming Biden administration’s Transportation transition team. Read it here: Letter to Polly Trottenberg
June 8, 2020 - Unanimous Appellate Court Upholds Ruling - Access construction case returned to NY State court
This affirmed a “win” for us in the station construction case, from Judge Hagler’s June 5, 2019 bench decision rejecting the MTA’s summary judgment motion.
The construction case is now returned to NY State Supreme court.
March 11 2020: Pack the courts Courthouse Rally! Pack the Courts Rally and citywide Day- of- Action for Subway Accessibility. Event Description: “Transit riders and advocates to kick off a citywide petition drive demanding that Governor Andrew Cuomo fund the MTA's plan to make 70 subway stations newly accessible. Governor Cuomo must commit the proposed $6 billion subsidy in the next state budget, and implement congestion pricing without carve-outs for special interests. Throughout the day, the coalition gathered signatures with their accessibility funding demands to present to the governor.” Press release and Handout
January 28th 2020: Courthouse Rally with CIDNY, BCID, Stand-Up, TransitCenter, DIA, People’s MTA in honor of Malaysia Goodson and Pack the court for Judge Hagler Hearing. Press release and Handout
January 23rd 2020: Senators Comrie and AM Dinowitz press conference to call on the MTA to preserve and expand the on-demand pilot program, and to announce new legislation that will require the MTA to do this.
January 6th 2020: “Hang On” interview on subway accessibility as part of The Civilian Series at Joe’s Pub. Sasha interviewed during performance, Monica, Jess and JVD attended and handed out E4E literature. https://publictheater.org/productions/joes-pub/2020/c/the-civilians-jacob-brandt--hang-on/
December 3rd 2019: Money for Elevators, Not Cops! Rally at Herald Square hosted in partnership with Peoples Power Assemblies NYC and People’s MTA. Money for Elevators, Not Cops Rally
Event Description: The Peoples Power Assemblies held its 5th annual Int'l Day of People with Disabilities march in NYC demanding accessibility justice and an end to racist police terror, with the slogan Money for Elevators, Not Cops in the Subway! Rally 5:30 - 6:45pm.
Half of all people killed by police have a disability. With recent police attacks in the subway -- on churro vendors, on Black and Latinx youth, through the MTA's racist fare evasion campaign -- the voices calling for public transit to truly serve the riders are getting louder, and are demanding money be spent on services instead. Elevators, ramps and true transit accessibility are at the top of that list.
November 6th 2019: Courthouse Rally/Pack the Court for Transit Accessibility Courthouse Rally
Event Description: Courthouse rally for the righteous lawsuit mandating elevators in the New York City subway. The MTA's recent 70-station announcement for elevator installation still leaves the system 60% inaccessible — with the elevators that do exist constantly breaking down or malfunctioning. Plus, the announcement lacked the crucial demand from the disability rights movement: that the MTA sign a legally binding commitment to create accessible stations. Without that, the MTA accessibility announcement could end up being another unfunded promise.
August 1st 2019: Subway access courthouse rally at 60 Center street co-hosted by Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled, Bronx Independent Living Services and the Transit Center. Rally transitioned into attending court hearing
July 14th 2019: Disability Pride Parade and Special Ribbon Cutting Ceremony co-hosted by the Disabled in Action of Metropolitan New York.
Event Description: “We will hold a mock ribbon cutting ceremony to remind the MTA how much work there is to be done. We'll give Cuomo's life-sized replica the chance to cut the ribbon and see what it would be like. After the ceremony, Rise and Resist will march with DIA, lining up on 26th Street between Park and Madison for the parade kickoff at 11 am” Disability Pride Parade
June 5th 2019: Courthouse Rally for Subway Access Settlement at 60 Center Street. Rally and press conference with the plaintiffs in subway elevator lawsuit, CIDNY v MTA, Judge Hagler hears arguments in Part 17, dismisses summary judgment motion. “Disability Groups Win Big” article, Daily News.
May 22nd 2019: Pack the Court! Lawsuit mandating Elevators in the subway! Pack the Courthouse Rally
Event Description: Rally before the convening of this important case being heard by Judge Hagler
May 2nd 2019: Pack the Court! Rally and Court Hearing for the Elevator Maintenance Lawsuit Courthouse Rally
Event Description: Center for Independence of the Disabled New York v. MTA
Come protest on the sidewalk, then come inside and PACK THE COURT to show support for true elevator maintenance in the New York subway system. Safe, accessible public transportation is a human right!
April 17th 2019: Rally/Protest at the MTA Board Meeting. No Fare Hike without Accessibility! Protest at MTA Board Meeting
Event Description: On Sunday, April 21, the MTA subway fare goes up again. The 7-day unlimited goes from $32 to $33. The monthly goes up $6, from $121 to $127. The 7-day express bus monthly goes from $59.50 to $62.00.
And still, the NYC public transportation system is notoriously inaccessible. It's not public transportation if all of the public can't use it. Lack of elevators has resulted in at least one high-profile death this year, that of Malaysia Goodson, who fell to her death while carrying her baby and a stroller down the subway stairs. We need a court-enforceable plan to install elevators, with a timeline, instead of announcements and/or aspirational statements.
We demand the MTA not raise fares unless and until it commits to an independently monitored, court-enforceable agreement that establishes full transit accessibility by installing elevators in the subway, and also making the subways in other ways accessible for people with disabilities.
March 27, 2019 - Honor Malaysia Goodson for Intl Women's Month! Speakers at the MTA board meeting share their stories and honor Ms. Goodson by adding their voices to accessibility rights advocates who have been calling for elevators and ramps in the subway for years.
March 3, 2019 - Courthouse Rally for Subway Access - Quit Stalling, Cuomo!
February 25, 2019 - Parents With Strollers Need Elevators in the Subway! The People’s MTA and disability rights activists invite parents with strollers to the MTA board’s monthly Bus and Subway meeting.
February 21, 2019 - AARP + TransitCenter Rally for Accessibility. AARP-New York and the Penn South Program for Seniors will join TransitCenter in calling on the state to fund NYC Transit’s Fast Forward plan for an accessible subway.
January 30, 2019 - Disability advocates rally outside the station where 22-year-old Malaysia Goodson died after falling down the steps carrying her 1-year-old daughter in a stroller, calling yet again on the MTA to sign an agreement to install elevators at every subway station.
December 11, 2019 - No Fare Hike! Rally and protest at the Queens MTA Fare Hike Hearing.
December 10, 2019 - Transit users and the Fix The Subway coalition rally and then testify before the MTA Board Meeting's Brooklyn Fare Hike public hearing.
November 27, 2018 - MTA Fare Hike Hearing/No Fare Hike Until Subways Are Accessible! The People’s MTA and Rise and Resist held a rally in front of the venue as well as spoke at the hearing - NO FARE HIKE UNTIL EVERYONE CAN RIDE!
November 12, 2018 - Press Conference to Demand that Developers Maintain Subway Elevators TransitCenter, Rise and Resist and Council member Brad Lander held a press conference calling out mega-wealthy real estate developers who manage subway elevators but don't keep them up and running.
November 9, 2018 - Press Conference to Demand Subway Accessibility The Elevator Action Group joined Council Member Brad Lander, neighbors, citizens and disability advocates at a press conference to call on the MTA to add an elevator at at the 7th Ave. Station, Brooklyn.
October 30, 2018 - Courthouse Rally for Subway Accessibility Rise and Resist’s Elevator Action Group and the People’s MTA called on the MTA to make a binding legal agreement to make New York City’s subway system fully accessible.
October 5, 2018 - Courthouse Rally to Demand Subway Access We are Not Backing Down from our simple, steadfast demand: Every subway station must have stair-free access -- for everyone.
October 2, 2018 - Coalition to Fix the Subways Fix The Subway rally Union Sq.
August 21, 2018 - Disability Justice Virtual Town Hall with Cynthia Nixon
July 15, 2018 - Disability Pride Parade, New York City
May 10, 2018 - Accessible Subway Stations Now! Rally at 60 Centre Street
May 7, 2018 - Rally for Accessibility: 72nd St. B/C Station
April 26, 2018 - "Only in New York" event at the Museum of the City of New York with MTA Chairman, Joe Lhota, was disrupted by The People’s MTA. Rise and Resist was in attendance with other disability rights protesters.
April 13, 2018 - Members of Rise and Resist tour the subway system with Andy Byford, President of the NYCTA - Photos
January 23, 2018 - Community Board 1 Meeting approves elevators at Broad St. Station - Rise and Resist is there
January 22, 2018 - Accessibility Map presented to Andy Byford, President of New York City Transit
December 16, 2017 - This Station is a Dinosaur - Press Release | Photos
November 15, 2017 - Elevators Are For Everyone - Rally at MTA Headquarters - Press Release | Photos
October 16, 2017 - Stranded By Cuomo Flash Mob - Press Release | Photos
in the news - essays, press and videos
CUNY Graduate Fellow Jessica Murray profiles the MTA’s failure to provide accessibility for all.
Judge Rules MTA Should Have Installed Elevators When It Renovated Bronx Subway Station. 3/7/19
MTA threatens to cut number of NYC subway stations made accessible to the disabled. 2/24/19
Non-March For Disabled Women 1/19/19 Press Video
Can Andy Byford Save the Subways? 7/9/18
Why Aren't Elevators Part of Subway Renovations? - CBS Radio - 5/7/18
Disability Rights Activists Disrupt MTA Talk, Demanding Subway Accessibility - Gothamist - 4/27/18
Disability rights protest derails MTA event in East Harlem - NY1 - 4/26/18
MTA Transit president Andy Byford takes the train with disability rights advocates - amny - 4/16/18
NYC Subway elevators need an urgent lift - amny - 1/31/18
1. Do we endorse candidates?
No, we do not. But we ask all candidates to support policies that prioritize accessibility for all.
2. Aren't elevators very expensive?
Yes, they are. But we can’t afford not to make the subways accessible. We are heartened by these words in Transit president Andy Byford's Fast Forward plan:
“Accessibility strengthens our transit system, and it's the right thing to do. As a conduit to employment, opportunity, culture and community, transit should give all members of the public a reliable way to travel. An accessible system benefits us all, because at some point, many people will find getting around more challenging — it could be because we use a wheelchair, or have vision or hearing loss, or are elderly and have trouble climbing stairs, or have a cognitive disability, or have a baby in a stroller, or any number of other challenges.”
3. How many subway stations need to be made accessible?
All of them, as quickly as possible. There are more than 350 stations that are not wheelchair accessible. As taxpayers, we have a right to equal access to our city. A single inaccessible station is one too many. The MTA has had an abysmal record on accessibility. We want to change that through direct action and putting public pressure on our elected officials to fund accessibility improvements.
4. Aren't some stations too hard to make accessible?
We are a city with literally hundreds of thousands of buildings with elevators of all shapes and sizes, going up and down dozens of stories. Given the expertise that exists here, we can make this happen. In the vast majority of cases a two-floor elevator or ramp will likely be feasible. The MTA is currently conducting a 2-year study to assess the cost and feasibility of making the remaining stations wheelchair accessible. This is the first time they have systematically assessed the whole system rather than throwing out wild guesses in the tens of billions of dollars.
5. Aren't other cities' subway systems smaller?
Yes, and so are their tax bases. We use that money to put stop lights at all our intersections and schools for all our children. Why not subways for all our people? To quote Andy Byford (again): “The world’s greatest city needs world-class transit.”
6. Aren't other cities' systems newer?
Mostly, and new systems have the advantage of being built with wheelchair accessibility in mind. However, Boston built the first subway system in the U.S. and is now 94% accessible. Older systems in Chicago and Philadelphia are approaching 70% and 50% respectively. NYC remains dead last at 23%, embarrassingly far behind.
7. Aren’t there vans for people with disabilities who need transportation?
Yes. Access-A-Ride is the MTA's paratransit service and is supposed to provide service comparable to public transportation for people who can't use the subway or buses due to their disability. Unfortunately, the current system is wildly inefficient, extremely costly, and doesn't compare to the travel times or availability of the subway. It costs more than half a billion dollars per year to provide service to 150,000 passengers, and a single ride costs more than $70 on average. While paratransit service will always be a necessity for some people with disabilities who need more help, many Access-A-Ride passengers would rather take the subway, which is the fastest way to get around town. The subway is just not a viable choice for many people because of its inaccessibility.